Insights and practical applications from the FlexPoint Consulting team around business transformation, technology modernization, process optimization, and more.
Using Root Cause Analysis to Identify and Address Single Points of Failure
Kim Ehrman uses vacation coverage examples to illustrate how we can use the “five whys” approach to understand the root causes of a challenge and address them in a proactive manner.
Making Time for What’s Important
Many of us feel like we spend a lot of time talking about work but not actually making progress toward our goals. Kim Ehrman shares how to shake up your typical ways of working and set up an almost-no-meetings week, focused on making progress.
Change Leadership versus Change Management
Kim Ehrman digs in on two key elements from a recent podcast with Biron Pickens: change leadership is leadership, and change management frameworks are a starting point, not the final answer.
Generosity in Leadership
Kim Ehrman reflects on research and personal experience that commends the powerful combination of generosity and leadership, particularly important in addressing the challenges inherent in
business transformation.
Preparing Your Organization for Transformation
Business readiness experts, Liz Pryor and Pedro Cortez, share thoughts on prepping your org for transformation. They share questions to ask, guidance, and examples around prioritization, work management, alignment, and more.
Applying the Hero’s Journey Restorying Intervention
Building on our podcast from last week, Kim Ehrman applies the hero's journey restorying intervention that Ben Rogers and fellow researchers to developed to find meaning in our work (and life!).
What’s Disguised in Your Organization?
As Halloween approaches and costume plans come together, Rachel Rubin shares some common disguises masking business and technology challenges. These include low adoption, perfect metric attainment, and immediate agreement.
Five Small Investments to Make in 2024
Kim Ehrman shares five targeted investments for CIOs to include in the 2024 budget, focused on helping teams deliver better and setting IT up for long-term success. These include an IT Strategy Workshop, a Demand Management Optimization effort, and more.
How Teams Back Each Other Up Well
Kim Ehrman describes four practical steps for team members to cover each other well during time away from work. These include sharing transparent lists and resources, early practice and intentional overlap, as well as setting clear expectations and authority.
Practical Ways to Build Trust within Teams
Kim Ehrman shares how to build -- and rebuild -- trust within professional teams, leveraging Brené Brown’s BRAVING framework from Dare to Lead and Charles Feltman’s four distinctions of trust from The Thin Book of Trust.
Lessons in Teamwork from Middle School Band
Kim Ehrman connects her middle school band experience to talent management principles. She concludes that their success stemmed from having an inspiring leader who encouraged them to have a growth mindset, along with exemplifying GRPI.