Insights and practical applications from the FlexPoint Consulting team around business transformation, technology modernization, process optimization, and more.
Bridging from Digital Topics to People Implications
Kim Ehrman and Michael Daehne share questions to ask in connecting the dots between four key digital topics and their people implications. We can increase the effectiveness of technology efforts by designing them around their impact on people.
Reframing Key Business Concepts
Kim Ehrman and Michael Daehne share reframed -- and sometimes counterintuitive -- perspectives on critical business topics like integration, work-life balance, and career advancement.
Identifying and Sourcing Key Metrics to Drive Progress
Building on learnings from a recent Inflect podcast, Kim Ehrman shares how to define desired metrics vividly enough to collaborate with Analytics and IT teams to create or gain access to them.
Technology Leaders: Stop Explaining, Start Teaching
Michael Daehne argues that teaching -- rather than explaining -- big technology concepts drives more long-term success. He shares five tactics to teach ideas, including being clear on why the topic matters, identifying learning objectives, and more.
Having a Spicy Kickoff is Better than Silence
A project kickoff meeting can be boring, or it can be helpful. Kim Ehrman shares why it’s good to embrace pointed feedback plus how the FlexPoint Consulting team creates the conditions for productive heat in project kickoff meetings.
Using Root Cause Analysis to Identify and Address Single Points of Failure
Kim Ehrman uses vacation coverage examples to illustrate how we can use the “five whys” approach to understand the root causes of a challenge and address them in a proactive manner.
Making Time for What’s Important
Many of us feel like we spend a lot of time talking about work but not actually making progress toward our goals. Kim Ehrman shares how to shake up your typical ways of working and set up an almost-no-meetings week, focused on making progress.
Helping Transform a Treasured Community Organization
The FlexPoint team was fortunate to work with the Girl Scouts of Central Texas leadership and board to craft a three-year strategic plan and roadmap. Paula Bookidis, CEO of GSCTX, shares a bit about her experience, and Kim Ehrman summarizes the effort.
Making Progress When Everything is a Priority
If everything is a priority, how do you choose what to do first? Product management expert Pedro Cortez shares four ways to pick the next focus area, when finite resources leave more priorities than can be addressed right now.
Prioritization Shortcuts
When the choices ahead of you aren’t worthy of a business case or an Eisenhower Box (urgency compared with importance), Kim Ehrman shares three questions to ask as prioritization shortcuts.
In Praise of Workday Closeout Routines
Kim Ehrman shares the benefits of having a workday closeout routine, namely moving more peacefully into the rest of the day. Her routine includes reviewing completed items, setting goals for the next day, and noting three points of gratitude.
Change Leadership versus Change Management
Kim Ehrman digs in on two key elements from a recent podcast with Biron Pickens: change leadership is leadership, and change management frameworks are a starting point, not the final answer.
Generosity in Leadership
Kim Ehrman reflects on research and personal experience that commends the powerful combination of generosity and leadership, particularly important in addressing the challenges inherent in
business transformation.
Lessons in Leadership from Habitat for Humanity
Business Transformation Consultant, Henry Howard, shares stories from his rewarding experience volunteering with Habitat for Humanity on Saturdays and many lessons learned on the construction site that translate to consulting and vice versa.
De-Risking Tool Selection and Implementation
Business Transformation Consultant, Henry Howard, shares tried-and-true techniques throughout a ten-stage process of selecting and implementing an enterprise platform. This comprehensive post covers everything from negotiating, scoping, migration, and celebrating after launch.
Planning Your Transformation
Business readiness experts, Pedro Cortez and Liz Pryor, describe key elements in planning a transformative effort. They share questions to ask, guidance, and examples around program structures, testing, defect management, training, and much more.
Defining the Transformation
Strategy and visioning expert Kim Ehrman shares thoughts on defining a business transformation, including success criteria, risk management, and more. Key outputs of this stage are a future state vision and a transformation roadmap.
Preparing Your Organization for Transformation
Business readiness experts, Liz Pryor and Pedro Cortez, share thoughts on prepping your org for transformation. They share questions to ask, guidance, and examples around prioritization, work management, alignment, and more.
Applying the Hero’s Journey Restorying Intervention
Building on our podcast from last week, Kim Ehrman applies the hero's journey restorying intervention that Ben Rogers and fellow researchers to developed to find meaning in our work (and life!).
Best Startup for Business Consulting
We’re thrilled to be honored with the 2023 Best of America Small Business Award in the Best Startup track. Thanks to everyone who voted for us and cheered us on!