Insights and practical applications from the FlexPoint Consulting team around business transformation, technology modernization, process optimization, and more.
Making Time for What’s Important
Many of us feel like we spend a lot of time talking about work but not actually making progress toward our goals. Kim Ehrman shares how to shake up your typical ways of working and set up an almost-no-meetings week, focused on making progress.
Making Progress When Everything is a Priority
If everything is a priority, how do you choose what to do first? Product management expert Pedro Cortez shares four ways to pick the next focus area, when finite resources leave more priorities than can be addressed right now.
Five Small Investments to Make in 2024
Kim Ehrman shares five targeted investments for CIOs to include in the 2024 budget, focused on helping teams deliver better and setting IT up for long-term success. These include an IT Strategy Workshop, a Demand Management Optimization effort, and more.
Ninja Warrior and Business Transformation
Pedro Cortez shares an edge-of-your-seat story from his son's Ninja Warrior world championship competition, along with the business transformation lessons it reminded him of.
Achieve Real Benefits without Scope Creep
Kim Ehrman shares four recommendations to realize lasting benefits without scope creep: specify a clear and compelling why, create an intuitive and accessible backlog, build in scalability, and embrace structured continuous improvement.
Be Firm and Kind, Short and Sweet
Kim Ehrman shares how guidance given on writing an important email relates to several powerful business concepts that come in unlikely pairs, including paradoxical leadership skills and featured pairings in the Agile manifesto.
Avoiding the Band Aid Solution
Rachel Rubin reflects on how to avoid workarounds in architecture and code based on her experience in consulting and technology firms. She recommends fostering a culture that prioritizes clean coding and building in safeguards like tech debt clean-up sprints.