Insights and practical applications from the FlexPoint Consulting team around business transformation, technology modernization, process optimization, and more.
Beating the Odds: Resolutions & Transformations
As a new year begins, FlexPoint Consulting Founder & CEO Michael Daehne shares tips for making your big transformation initiative (and your new year’s resolution) a resounding success.
Bringing Next-Gen Tech to Finance
In light of digital disruption all around us, Michael Daehne highlights opportunities to embrace next-generation technologies within four key areas of finance: recording, controlling, planning & analysis, and tax.
Tips & Tricks to Avoid Being Spooked by Transformation
As Halloween approaches, Michael Daehne shares tips to avoid being “spooked” by your business transformation initiative. These include: beware the ghosts of past projects, don’t treat “the way we do things around here” as hallowed ground, and more.
Business Transformation Lessons from the UTSA Roadrunners
FlexPoint Consulting Founder & CEO Michael Daehne applies lessons from the UT San Antonio Roadrunners to excelling through transformation. They start with “culture eats strategy for breakfast” and end with “don’t eat the cheese!”
Five Lessons for the Cloud ERP Journey
In light of the common difficulties in adopting a new platform, FlexPoint Consulting Founder & CEO Michael Daehne shares five key tactics to de-risk your Cloud ERP journey and increase the probability of an on-time, on-budget, high-quality implementation.
Transforming Your Employee Experience
FlexPoint Consulting Founder & CEO Michael Daehne explains what employee experience is, why leaders of all organizations should care about EX, and how you can successfully navigate employee experience transformation.
Don’t Ignore “Optional Add-Ons” in Transformation
Drawing from personal experience, FlexPoint Consulting Founder & CEO Michael Daehne likens optimizing the user experience and supporting user adoption to “optional add-ons” in cars that are actually crucial to success.